Deetz describes in an overview in chapter 36, that conflict can be more beneficial than people might think. It allows people in workplaces to voice their complaints and vent their frustrations. It could also be applied to media as well. Let's say for instance that a company wrongfully took money from a client and the client didn't even know until much later. A good tool for that client to use in such a case is their local news station. I've seen reports on people who had complaints to file on a particular company and they in turn go to their news station with their story as a result of the accused company taking no action to right the wrong bestowed on the client.
Another way conflict can work for the benefit of a group or organization is that it can help shape and re-evaluate company procedures and policies. At my work we have opinion surveys that print out on customer's receipts and we tell them about it. They basically have the power to grade the entire store on the service and overall experience and add comments or complaints on the store.
I really like the examples you used to elaborate on the concept of conflict. I absolutely agree with you on the fact that conflict is actually a good thing, or rather, there are positive things that can come out of a conflict. Conflicts can actually help people or a group of people better in becoming a better human being(s) and they can also become better arguers too.
Conflict I think is beneficial to communication in the workplace but also in realtionships as well. I think conflict brings an opportiunity discuss and solve problems that might usually get swept under the rug.Conflict helps to re-evaluate a realtionship and see what things need to be worked on.I am the type of person who cannot stand conflict. I hate when someone is angry with me. I can't focus on anything but the problem until it is solved.
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